About the Brand
For the past 60 years, Starboard Industries has been a respected brand in the decking and railing industry, providing the market with creative and unique fastening solutions. Starboard Industries has their roots in the year 1961, starting as an entrepreneurial company founded by two men. What followed is a long history of total commitment and dedication to quality, creativity, and customer satisfaction. Not only has Starborn Industries emerged as a top manufacturer and distributor globally, but it has also remained consistent with its mission of helping people to build creatively and enjoy custom built outdoor spaces.

At Starborn Industries, quality is not the minimum standard they simply aspired to meet. Rather, it is an essential part of the company’s ethos. They are an ISO 9001:2015 certified entity, thereby ensuring that each product meets or exceeds the most rigorous quality and performance criteria. From its modern manufacturing facility in Cranford, New Jersey, to its distribution center in Dallas, Texas, Starborn Industries is steadfast in presenting and surpassing the customer's expectations.
Whether you are a professional contractor or a homeowner who wants to create a perfect outdoor space, Starborn Industries is committed to supporting you in your quest for perfection. With their wide array of products, total commitment to quality, and passion for client service, this company is the ideal partner for anyone who loves living the good life outdoors.
Pre-drilling & Countersinking Drill Bit Set | #7, #8, #10, #12
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